European Master in dental implantology: clinical surgery, prosthetics, bone grafts (Frankfurt, Germany)
Diplôme Universitaire de réhabilitation chirurgicale maxillo-faciale (Medicine, Paris VII)
President ITI France & Fellow ITI (International Team for Implantology)
Scientific Committee of the Société Française du Quad Implants
Co-responsible (with Dr Christine Romagna) for the ITI Est training course: training practitioners in implantology in
the Grand Est region.
Head of advanced training Surgitech Studies: training implantologists in advanced and complex techniques
Lecturer at the Faculty of Dental Surgery, Nantes, DU Implantologie Basale, Nice, DU Implantologie Européen, Corte
Designer of new zygomatic implants in collaboration with Pr Edmond Bedrossian and Pr Carlos Aparicio
Contributor to the books Immediacy Concept and Traitements prothétiques et implantaires de l'édenté total
More than 15 articles published in national and international magazines on immediate loading, bone grafts, new techniques and advanced technologies in implantology.
Implant surgery and complex restorations